Project Value: $3,500,000

Client: Private Developer

2 stage, 37 Lot subdivision on a brownfield site with existing 300mm trunk water main present. The project involved major earthworks with a volume of 50,000m3 of cut to fill. Bulk Earthworks included the dewatering, relocation of fauna and removal and reinstatement of 4 existing dams. Over 10,000m3 of oversaturated material was removed, dried and reblended with fill to non-structural areas to reduce disposal costs for the client.

8800m2 of new roadways including associated kerb, footpaths, road furniture and landscaping to verges. The project required 50,000m2 of turf to verges and drainage easements and 45,000m2 of hydromulch to batters

1169 lineal meters of stormwater network including a triple barrell 1500mm diameter stormwater culvert constructed under a live 300mm trunk water main.

550 lineal meters of PE water main, including live connections to existing network.

Caffery Drive, Haigslea – ‘Stage 3 and Stage 4’


149 Workshops Street, Brassall - ‘The Grove’


3 Neon Street, Sumner